Metal braces

The tried-and-true smile solution.

Metal braces are the original orthodontic treatment. They are also the most reliable treatment available. Modern technology has continued to improve upon tradition, providing a more comfortable, discreet, and accurate treatment than the braces of yesteryear.

How do braces work?

Metal braces straighten your teeth using a series of metal brackets, archwires, and small elastic bands. A bracket will be fitted to the front of each tooth with a wire running between them. This will all be held together with the elastics.

During treatment, Dr Sriram will adjust the archwire, to apply gentle pressure on your teeth and steer them into the proper position. This should be done regularly for best results - so try hard not to miss your appointments!

 How do braces work?

What orthodontic issues can braces correct?

Even severe orthodontic cases can be treated with metal braces. It’s the reason this treatment option remains a popular choice for patients of all ages. Braces are also one of the most adorable treatment options available.

 What orthodontic issues can braces correct?

Would metal braces work for me?

In complex orthodontic cases, metal braces could be the best choice for you. Find out during your first consultation at Nice Bite Orthodontics.

 Would metal braces work for me?

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