Caring for your braces

Orthodontic treatment is an investment, and you want to protect that investment by taking proper care of your appliance and your teeth. Here are our top ways to sail smoothly through treatment.

Eating with braces.

After we fit you with braces, you may need to make some minor changes to your diet. That’s because certain foods have the potential to break or damage your braces, prolonging the duration of your treatment. Luckily for you, we know exactly which foods to eat and avoid.

What you still can enjoy

  • Smoothies and milkshakes
  • Fruit and vegetables (softly cooked or grated)
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Soup
  • Water
 Eating with braces.

What you should avoid

  • Hard and sticky foods
  • Crunchy fruit and vegetables, like corn-on-the-cob
  • Popcorn
  • Pizza crusts
  • Chewing gum
  • Fizzy, sugary drinks

Neither of these lists is comprehensive by any means. If you want to know if you can still eat your favourite dishes, please reach out and ask our friendly staff members for dietary advice.

Keeping your teeth clean.

Braces provide plaque with even more hiding places than usual, so the importance of good oral hygiene during treatment can’t be overstated. To keep a healthy and beautiful smile during treatment, here are some important tips from our team.

 Keeping your teeth clean.

Top tips for caring for your braces

  • Brush your teeth after every meal and snack. It’s a good idea to take a toothbrush with you to work, school, or other long commitments.
  • Use small circular motions all around your brackets. Our Treatment Coordinator will be able to show you the proper technique.
  • Remember to floss after brushing. You need to get rid of any bits of food that are hiding between your teeth.
  • Use disclosing tablets to make sure you are brushing every surface of your teeth thoroughly.
  • Visit your dentist regularly. You should have a deep cleaning at least every six months during your treatment with braces.

Have more questions about caring for your braces?

If we didn’t quite answer your question, or you want to learn more about taking care of your smile, contact us today so we can help!

 Have more questions about caring for your braces?

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